The boundaries of materiality are blurred in room D211 of MADA Now.” — Kayla Flett.
Creature comforts and comfort creatures.” — Grace Sandles.
As if pulled from the mind of Ursula Le Guin, Richard Monger’s glass-ceramic hybrids locate an abstracted ecological utopia.” — Mia Palmer-Verevis.
Sarcastic softness and the unconventional domestic fill MADA Now 2022.” — Hannah Searing.
Eat, shit.” — Gemma Topliss.
Our memories aren’t reflections of our realities.” — Teagan Ramsay.
Many students tackle difficult, emotionally confronting issues at this year’s RMIT grad show.” — Joanne Reidy.
In the aftermath of the opening of the VCA graduate exhibition, I found myself aware of my voyeuristic navigation of the galleries.” — Scott Mclatchie.
Maybe it’s just me.” — Agnes Delany.
How do we prepare ourselves for the market? We become the market.” — Audrey Merton.
Chaos is a cosmos and identity our universe.” — Vicki Nguyen.
“Yeah, this is the drawing show, even though it doesn’t look like it.” — Devin Hunt.
Human connection is the string that binds us tightly to each other—but like any string, there is a risk of relationships fraying and splitting apart.” — Ella Carney Fisher.
It’s a Wednesday, so I wish to stop existing in this corporeal form.” — Cam Wu.
Can a pink plastic hair dryer be a work of art? What about a tablecloth or a golf ball? Since Marcel Duchamp presented a men’s urinal as a work of art in 1917, the question of what constitutes “art” has pre-occupied the art world.” — Sophie Lodge.
Sometimes I can’t tell if I am an art viewer or an art viewee.” — Bonnie Yue Qi.
How can you make tangible the deeply personal feeling of otherness? VCA sculpture graduates Hugh Crowley and Jingxuan Chen articulate these points of difference in their graduate works, which embody their individual experience in the space of the “other”.” — Lily Beamish.
Time is but a stubborn illusion.” — Cat Eyre.
There’s nothing that quite breaks up the abundance of abstract paintings and found object art like an unapologetic display of queer fuckery.” — Luce Nguyen-Hunt.
Artists Milly James and Liz Bird’s canvases entwine across the gallery space, sharing aesthetic and sensorial compatibility.” — Georgia Puiatti.
When I see cocktail frankfurts, Felicia’s iconic line from Pricilla Queen of the Desert irrevocably comes to mind: “how do you like your little boys, girls?” The association was provoked by VCA honour’s graduate Nyssa Levings’s constellation of sculptural works.” — Emily Kostos.
Fine Art, RMIT by Joanne Reidy
Sculpture, Victorian College of the Arts by Lily Beamish
Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours), MADA by Luce Nguyen-Hunt
Bachelor of Fine Art, MADA by Kayla Flett
Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours), MADA by Georgia Puiatti
Masters, Victorian College of the Arts by Scott Mclatchie
Fine Art, RMIT by Cam Wu
Masters, Victorian College of the Arts by Bonnie Yue Qi
Honours, Victorian College of the Arts by Emily Kostos
Fine Art, RMIT by Sophie Lodge
Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours), MADA by Agnes Delany
Painting, Victorian College of the Arts by Gemma Topliss
Bachelor of Fine Art, MADA by Cat Eyre
Bachelor of Fine Art, MADA by Vicki Nguyen
Bachelor of Fine Art, MADA by Mia Palmer-Verevis
Bachelor of Fine Art, MADA by Teagan Ramsay
Photography, Victorian College of the Arts by Audrey Merton
Bachelor of Fine Art, MADA by Ella Carney Fisher
Drawing and Printmaking, Victorian College of the Arts by Devin Hunt
Fine Art, RMIT by Grace Sandles
Bachelor of Fine Art, MADA by Hannah Searing
Design by
Alexandra Margetic
. Development by Paris Lettau.
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The editors acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the unceded land and waters on which we work. We offer our respects to Elders and Ancestors of the Kulin Nations, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander First Nations Elders, past and present.
Victorian College of the Arts
Bachelor of Fine Art
Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours)
Drawing and Printmaking
Fine Art
Agnes Delany
Audrey Merton
Bonnie Yue Qi
Cam Wu
Cat Eyre
Devin Hunt
Ella Carney Fisher
Emily Kostos
Gemma Topliss
Georgia Puiatti
Grace Sandles
Hannah Searing
Joanne Reidy
Kayla Flett
Lily Beamish
Luce Nguyen-Hunt
Mia Palmer-Verevis
Scott Mclatchie
Sophie Lodge
Teagan Ramsay
Vicki Nguyen
Ali Bagnato
Allie Domenica
Amelia Harte
Angela Anqi Liang
Angela Nolan
Ashley Lavoynne Silaen
Astrid Mulder
Beth Kay
Beth Sanderson
Caesar Florence Howard
Cam Wu
Carly Spiteri
Celeste Perry
Charlie Robert
Chiara Zeta
Chloe Vella
Connie Hseuh
Daisie Bindoff
Eliza Kate Raphael Dalton
Fiona Martin
Gemma Topliss
Hiroki Matsumoto
Hugh Crowley
Ignatz Cady Freer
Indi Meara
Indra Liusuari
Isabella Losch Hickey
Izzi Selfe
Jake Christian Brown
Jale Sezai
James Farrar
Jasmine Duong
Jazz B Duncan
Jemma Prescott
Jeremee Bautista
Jiayi Quek
Jingxuan Chen
Jonathon Harris
Kat Rae
Katie Paine
Kia Zand
Liat Fichman
Lila Hagai
Lily Lindsay
Liz Bird
Lloyd Collidge
Luka Lesosky-Hay
Manuela Machado Colling
Marcus Horswell
Melissa Paul
Mia Harrison
Michael Lye
Milly James
Nicola Blumenthal
Nyssa Levings
Olive Hunter
Phoebe Foldvari
Richard Monger
Rosa Spring Voss
Sally Vivian
Sophie Shingles
Therese Dias
Will McIntyre