As a student architect, it’s unlikely that any building you design will be constructed anytime soon, if at all.” — Madeline Lo-Booth.
Whispers in the audio are like mist, floating and spreading out along the spiral track on the floor.” — Sirui Yang.
As you enter the Bachelor of Fine Art exhibition spaces at MADA Now 2023, you will see two video installations by culturally diverse artists: Miracle Mak and Shaked Gozlan.” — Dianne Erlichman.
In a moment of turbulence beneath the water’s surface, the world above is transformed into a series of fractured spaces and undulating lines.” — Ruby Benjamin.
Australians live by the “go big or go home” mantra: The Big Banana, The Big Prawn, The Big Potato, The Big (little) Hotel.” — Tarquin Charlesworth.
University graduate shows, by their very nature, are always contradictory.” — Bradley Visaka David.
Pearls, ribbons and bows.” — Camille Hassan.
Many readers may be familiar with the term “sonder”, a neologism that made rounds on the internet some years ago.” — Leah Shyra.
Body + _____ = Collective Memory.” — Amber Stephens.
You don’t often get to kick things in galleries.” — Lucy Taylor Schmitzer.
One human clone, one fur bear, two brass candlesticks, four pencil drawings and seven clay teeth.” — Stella Corby.
Picture Sisyphus pushing his boulder up the hill, fearing that its weight could make it fall back down and crush him.” — Louise Frith.
As often as we’re asked not to analyse a work of art through a biographical lens, it is difficult to avoid this when artists cite personal experience as their starting point.” — Emily Prater.
Descending into RMIT’s Design Hub Gallery, my first impression was, “is that it?” The gallery, shrouded in dim lighting, was lined with rows of uniformly sized panels, each approximately 900 by 1800 millimetres, evenly spaced across every wall.” — Safa El Samad.
There is something gag-worthy about a gloryhole situated within refurbished police stables.” — Michael Gentle.
The sculpture department at the VCA was chronically online.” — Seraphina Nicholls.
Through the window, I have a fine view of the empty oval across the road.” — Loqui Paatsch.
Late nights in the studio, hand-rolled ciggies, shoplifting art supplies.” — Carla Abate.
We could engage in the mental gymnastics of contemplating how the following works provoke the ‘what is a chair?’ conundrum.” — Sen Vanderzalm.
The exhibition commences under the warmth of an orange canopy suspended above a line of foldable tables.” — Rachel Soebekti.
Naarm, late November.” — Fern Cook.
After weaving through the stairs of RMIT’s art school, I sensed a significant shift of perspective had been captured across all levels of this year’s photography cohort.” — Juliet Phraser.
Master of Fine Art, RMIT by Emily Prater
Bachelor of Fine Art, MADA by Carla Abate
Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours), MADA by Amber Stephens
Master of Architecture Design Studios, Monash Architecture by Rachel Soebekti
Master of Contemporary Art, Victorian College of the Arts by Sirui Yang
Painting, Victorian College of the Arts by Tarquin Charlesworth
Bachelor of Fine Art, MADA by Lucy Taylor Schmitzer
Painting, Victorian College of the Arts by Camille Hassan
Honours, Victorian College of the Arts by Stella Corby
Drawing and Printmaking, Victorian College of the Arts by Louise Frith
Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours), MADA by Sen Vanderzalm
Bachelor of Fine Art, MADA by Loqui Paatsch
Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours), MADA by Fern Cook
Photography, RMIT by Leah Shyra
Master of Architecture, RMIT by Safa El Samad
Sculpture, Victorian College of the Arts by Seraphina Nicholls
Master of Fine Art, RMIT by Bradley Visaka David
Bachelor of Fine Art, MADA by Dianne Erlichman
Honours, Victorian College of the Arts by Michael Gentle
Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours), MADA by Ruby Benjamin
Master of Architecture Design Studios, Melbourne School of Design by Madeline Lo-Booth
Photography, RMIT by Juliet Phraser
Design by
Alexandra Margetic
. Development by Paris Lettau.
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The editors acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the unceded land and waters on which we work. We offer our respects to Elders and Ancestors of the Kulin Nations, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander First Nations Elders, past and present.
Melbourne School of Design
Monash Architecture
Victorian College of the Arts
Bachelor of Fine Art
Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours)
Drawing and Printmaking
Master of Architecture
Master of Architecture Design Studios
Master of Contemporary Art
Master of Fine Art
Amber Stephens
Bradley Visaka David
Camille Hassan
Carla Abate
Dianne Erlichman
Emily Prater
Fern Cook
Juliet Phraser
Leah Shyra
Loqui Paatsch
Louise Frith
Lucy Taylor Schmitzer
Madeline Lo-Booth
Michael Gentle
Rachel Soebekti
Ruby Benjamin
Safa El Samad
Sen Vanderzalm
Seraphina Nicholls
Sirui Yang
Stella Corby
Tarquin Charlesworth
Alexandra Gowing
Andrea Illés
Anna Kiparis
Annie Wallwork
Bonnie-Jean Whitlock
Brayden Dopper
Caitlyn Stone
Calia O’Rourke
Camille Hassan
Charlotte Camilleri Pattison
Charlotte Window
Christine Murray
Clara Joyce
Darcy MacCuspie
Dylan Marelić
Iona Julian-Walters
Iona Mackenzie
Isabel Trufas
James Brett
James Nunn
Jennifer Hunt
Jessica Tanto
Jiajing Ouyang
Juliet Phraser
Kara Inez Saheran
Kostas Pavlidas
Lilly Skipper
Martina Cavanna
Melbourne School of Design
Michelle Yuan Fitz-Gerald
Miracle Mak
Olivia Dupé
Paula Maggs
Ponie Curtis
Rochelle Morris
Rubyanna Edwards
Sammy-Jo Lang-Waite
Sang Shen
Serena Holt
Shaaron Pateman
Shaked Gozlan
Sherina Suhartanji
Stefan Spanopoulos
Tanisha Wookey
Taylor Ristevsk
Teagan Ramsay
Tessaray Delta Ackerman
Tom Ward
Tomas Ording-Jespersen
Yi '11' Zhou
Zane Edwards
Zhuoyu (Bǫbbi) Gan